This project explores the conservation of species in US National Parks.
We will look at data on the top 10 most visited US National Parks in 2022.
The dataset is provided by the National Park Service via their NPSecies Database.
This Notebook aims to investigate the following questions:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
species = pd.read_csv('datasets/NPS_species_info.csv')
# print(
# species.head()
def clean_df_text(df):
df.columns = df.columns.str.strip()
for column in df.columns:
if df[column].dtype == 'object':
df[column] = df[column].str.title()
df[column] = df[column].str.strip()
return df
species = clean_df_text(species)
Insect 15482 Vascular Plant 15415 Fungi 5936 Spider/Scorpion 4846 Bird 3161 Non-Vascular Plant 1868 Other Non-Vertebrates 1127 Chromista 1007 Mammal 794 Slug/Snail 408 Fish 370 Bacteria 342 Protozoa 282 Reptile 248 Crab/Lobster/Shrimp 243 Amphibian 177 Name: Category, dtype: int64
For this analysis, we will only be looking at Amphibian, Bird, Fish, Mammal, and Reptile categories.
amphibian = species['Category'] == 'Amphibian'
bird = species['Category'] == 'Bird'
fish = species['Category'] == 'Fish'
mammals = species['Category'] == 'Mammal'
reptile = species['Category'] == 'Reptile'
species = species[amphibian | bird | fish | mammals | reptile]
Bird 3161 Mammal 794 Fish 370 Reptile 248 Amphibian 177 Name: Category, dtype: int64
Now lets look at our Conversation status, and make a new column called Protected.
species['Conservation Status'].value_counts()
Least Concern 3367 Species Of Concern 1304 Endangered 31 Threatened 29 In Recovery 19 Name: Conservation Status, dtype: int64
species['Protected'] = species['Conservation Status'] != 'Least Concern'
Now we can drop uneccessary columns and start exploring the data relevant to our questions
drop_cols = ['Order', 'Family', 'Observations']
species = species.drop(drop_cols, axis=1)
Scientific Name | Common Names | Category | Park Name | Nativeness | Abundance | Conservation Status | Protected | |
0 | Alces Alces | Moose | Mammal | Acadia National Park | Native | Rare | Least Concern | False |
1 | Odocoileus Virginianus | Northern White-Tailed Deer, Virginia Deer, Whi... | Mammal | Acadia National Park | Native | Abundant | Least Concern | False |
2 | Canis Latrans | Coyote, Eastern Coyote | Mammal | Acadia National Park | Non-Native | Common | Species Of Concern | True |
3 | Canis Lupus | Eastern Timber Wolf, Gray Wolf, Timber Wolf | Mammal | Acadia National Park | Native | NaN | Endangered | True |
4 | Vulpes Vulpes | Black Fox, Cross Fox, Eastern Red Fox, Fox, Re... | Mammal | Acadia National Park | Unknown | Common | Least Concern | False |
scientific = species['Scientific Name'].nunique()
common = species['Common Names'].nunique()
print('Scientific Names: ' + str(scientific))
print('Common Names: ' + str(common))
Scientific Names: 1557 Common Names: 1871
We first notice that there are multiple entries for the same Scientific Name for multiple parks.
species[species['Scientific Name']=='Canis Lupus']
Scientific Name | Common Names | Category | Park Name | Nativeness | Abundance | Conservation Status | Protected | |
3 | Canis Lupus | Eastern Timber Wolf, Gray Wolf, Timber Wolf | Mammal | Acadia National Park | Native | NaN | Endangered | True |
1719 | Canis Lupus | Gray Wolf | Mammal | Glacier National Park | Native | Rare | Least Concern | False |
6984 | Canis Lupus | Gray Wolf | Mammal | Great Smoky Mountains National Park | Native | NaN | Endangered | True |
35726 | Canis Lupus | Gray Wolf, Wolf | Mammal | Grand Teton National Park | Native | Uncommon | Endangered | True |
37967 | Canis Lupus | Gray Wolf, Wolf | Mammal | Indiana Dunes National Park | Native | NaN | Endangered | True |
40455 | Canis Lupus | Gray Wolf | Mammal | Rocky Mountain National Park | Native | NaN | Endangered | True |
43656 | Canis Lupus | Gray Wolf, Wolf | Mammal | Yellowstone National Park | Native | Common | Least Concern | False |
47826 | Canis Lupus | Gray Wolf, Wolf | Mammal | Yosemite National Park | Unknown | NaN | Endangered | True |
Abundance , Conservation Status , and Protected status vary from park to park.
print('** CATEGORIES **')
** CATEGORIES ** Bird 3161 Mammal 794 Fish 370 Reptile 248 Amphibian 177 Name: Category, dtype: int64 -------------------------------- Bird 0.665474 Mammal 0.167158 Fish 0.077895 Reptile 0.052211 Amphibian 0.037263 Name: Category, dtype: float64
unique_category_counts = species.groupby('Category').agg({'Scientific Name':'nunique'}).reset_index()
unique_category_counts['Percent'] = unique_category_counts['Scientific Name'] / species['Scientific Name'].nunique()
print('-------------------------------------------------')['Category'], unique_category_counts['Percent'], color = '#4682B4')
plt.title("Percentage of Species by Category")
plt.xlabel("Species Category")
plt.ylabel("% of the dataset")
Category Scientific Name Percent 0 Amphibian 124 0.079640 1 Bird 747 0.479769 2 Fish 231 0.148362 3 Mammal 276 0.177264 4 Reptile 179 0.114965 -------------------------------------------------
The majority of our species appears to be birds at about 48%, followed by mammals (17.7%), fishes (14.8%), reptiles (11.5%), and amphibians (8.0%)
print(species['Conservation Status'].value_counts())
print(species['Conservation Status'].value_counts(normalize=True))
CONSERVATION STATUS ------------------- Least Concern 3367 Species Of Concern 1304 Endangered 31 Threatened 29 In Recovery 19 Name: Conservation Status, dtype: int64 Least Concern 0.708842 Species Of Concern 0.274526 Endangered 0.006526 Threatened 0.006105 In Recovery 0.004000 Name: Conservation Status, dtype: float64
unique_status = species.groupby(['Scientific Name', 'Category'])\
.agg({'Conservation Status':pd.Series.mode, 'Protected':'sum'})\
unique_status = unique_status.rename({'Protected': 'Protected Anywhere?'}, axis = 1)
print('Species per conservation category:')
print(unique_status['Conservation Status'].value_counts())
print('Percentages of each category for the entire data set:')
print(unique_status['Conservation Status'].value_counts(normalize=True))
Species per conservation category: -------------------------------- Least Concern 1220 Species Of Concern 295 Endangered 21 Threatened 16 In Recovery 4 [Endangered, Least Concern] 1 Name: Conservation Status, dtype: int64 Percentages of each category for the entire data set: -------------------------------- Least Concern 0.783558 Species Of Concern 0.189467 Endangered 0.013487 Threatened 0.010276 In Recovery 0.002569 [Endangered, Least Concern] 0.000642 Name: Conservation Status, dtype: float64
Fortunately, it looks like the majority of the species are classified as Least Concern (1220 or 78.4%).
There are a large number of species that are classifed as Species of Concern (295 or 18.9%)
Species of Concern are at risk of being threatened or endangered.
A deeper analysis can highlight these species for further investigation.
unique_status['Conservation Status'] = unique_status['Conservation Status'].astype(str)
status_by_category = unique_status.pivot_table(index='Category',
columns = 'Conservation Status',
values = 'Scientific Name',
aggfunc = 'count')
status_by_category = status_by_category.drop("['Endangered' 'Least Concern']", axis = 1)
Conservation Status | Endangered | In Recovery | Least Concern | Species Of Concern | Threatened |
Category | |||||
Amphibian | 2.0 | NaN | 117.0 | 3.0 | 2.0 |
Bird | 4.0 | 4.0 | 495.0 | 241.0 | 2.0 |
Fish | 7.0 | NaN | 209.0 | 8.0 | 7.0 |
Mammal | 8.0 | NaN | 237.0 | 29.0 | 2.0 |
Reptile | NaN | NaN | 162.0 | 14.0 | 3.0 |, status_by_category["Endangered"], label = "Endangered", color = "#4682B4")
plt.title("Endangered Species by Category")
unique_status.groupby('Category').agg({'Protected Anywhere?':'sum'})
Protected Anywhere? | |
Category | |
Amphibian | 7 |
Bird | 1187 |
Fish | 31 |
Mammal | 130 |
Reptile | 28 |
unique_status['Protected'] = unique_status['Conservation Status'] != 'Least Concern'
False 1220 True 337 Name: Protected, dtype: int64 False 0.783558 True 0.216442 Name: Protected, dtype: float64
protected_counts = unique_status['Protected'].astype(int).value_counts(), protected_counts, color='#4682B4')
plt.title("Protected Counts of Unique Species")
plt.xticks(protected_counts.index, ['False', 'True'])
plt.yticks(range(0, 1221, 200))
Looking at the protection numbers, we see that that 1220 (or 78.4%) of species in our dataset are not protected, compared to 337 (or 21.6%) of species that are protected.
This information does a good job of summarizing the data set through the endangered lens we are hoping to explore. With this information available, we can begin to draw conclusions on our 4 questions for this exercise.
# species['Park Name'].value_counts()
status_by_park = species.pivot_table(index = 'Park Name',
columns = 'Conservation Status',
values = 'Scientific Name',
aggfunc = 'count')
status_by_park.columns = ['Endangered','In Recovery','Least Concern','Species of Concern','Threatened']
status_by_park = status_by_park.reset_index()
Park Name | Endangered | In Recovery | Least Concern | Species of Concern | Threatened | |
0 | Acadia National Park | 3.0 | 2.0 | 330.0 | 148.0 | NaN |
1 | Glacier National Park | NaN | 1.0 | 271.0 | 108.0 | 3.0 |
2 | Grand Canyon National Park | 5.0 | 3.0 | 496.0 | 173.0 | 6.0 |
3 | Grand Teton National Park | 1.0 | 2.0 | 256.0 | 113.0 | 2.0 |
4 | Great Smoky Mountains National Park | 9.0 | 1.0 | 505.0 | 115.0 | 3.0 |
5 | Indiana Dunes National Park | 4.0 | 4.0 | 389.0 | 144.0 | 1.0 |
6 | Rocky Mountain National Park | 1.0 | 1.0 | 259.0 | 109.0 | 3.0 |
7 | Yellowstone National Park | 1.0 | 2.0 | 299.0 | 137.0 | 4.0 |
8 | Yosemite National Park | 5.0 | 2.0 | 273.0 | 119.0 | 4.0 |
9 | Zion National Park | 2.0 | 1.0 | 289.0 | 138.0 | 3.0 |
status_by_park['Short Park Name'] = status_by_park['Park Name'].apply(lambda x: x.split('National Park')[0].strip())['Short Park Name'], status_by_park['Endangered'], color='#4682B4', width = 0.8)
plt.tick_params(axis='x', labelrotation = 90)
plt.title('Endangered Species per US National Park')
We see diversity in endangered species across our parks. Great Smoky Mountains National Park has the most endangered species (9), followed by Grand Canyon and Yosemite (5), Indiana Dunes (4), Acadia (3), Zion (2), and lastly the Grand Teton, Rocky Mountain, and Yellowstone (1). Glacier National Park has no endangered species in our dataset.
Lets also take a look at Protected species.
protected_by_park = species.groupby('Park Name').agg({'Protected': ['sum', 'mean']}).reset_index()
protected_by_park.columns = ['Park Name', 'Count Protected', 'Percent protected']
Park Name | Count Protected | Percent protected | |
0 | Acadia National Park | 153 | 0.316770 |
1 | Glacier National Park | 112 | 0.292428 |
2 | Grand Canyon National Park | 187 | 0.273792 |
3 | Grand Teton National Park | 118 | 0.315508 |
4 | Great Smoky Mountains National Park | 128 | 0.202212 |
5 | Indiana Dunes National Park | 153 | 0.282288 |
6 | Rocky Mountain National Park | 114 | 0.305630 |
7 | Yellowstone National Park | 144 | 0.325056 |
8 | Yosemite National Park | 130 | 0.322581 |
9 | Zion National Park | 144 | 0.332564 |
y_values = protected_by_park['Percent protected'] * 10['Park Name'], y_values, color = '#4682B4')
plt.title('Protected species in US National Parks')
plt.tick_params(axis = 'x', labelrotation = 90)
plt.ylabel('Percentage (%)')
print("Protection Statistics Across All National Parks")
print("Mean %:", np.mean(protected_by_park['Percent protected']))
print("Std. Dev:", np.std(protected_by_park['Percent protected']))
Protection Statistics Across All National Parks -------------------------------- Mean %: 0.29688286288771515 Std. Dev: 0.03643463118076456
We will explore this question by investigating the number of protected mammals compared to the number of protected non-mammals in our dataset. Luckily, we have our unique_status variable already created to begin exploring this information.
Scientific Name | Category | Conservation Status | Protected Anywhere? | Protected | |
0 | Acanthis Flammea | Bird | Least Concern | 0 | False |
1 | Acanthus Flammea | Bird | Least Concern | 0 | False |
2 | Accipiter Cooperii | Bird | Species Of Concern | 10 | True |
3 | Accipiter Gentilis | Bird | Least Concern | 0 | False |
4 | Accipiter Striatus | Bird | Species Of Concern | 10 | True |
category_counts = unique_status.pivot_table(columns = 'Protected',
index = 'Category',
values = 'Scientific Name',
aggfunc = 'count')
category_counts.columns = ['Not Protected', 'Protected']
category_counts = category_counts.reset_index()
category_counts['Percent Protected'] = category_counts['Protected'] / \
(category_counts['Protected'] + category_counts['Not Protected']) * 100
Category | Not Protected | Protected | Percent Protected | |
0 | Amphibian | 117 | 7 | 5.645161 |
1 | Bird | 495 | 252 | 33.734940 |
2 | Fish | 209 | 22 | 9.523810 |
3 | Mammal | 237 | 39 | 14.130435 |
4 | Reptile | 162 | 17 | 9.497207 |
bar_width = 0.3, category_counts['Not Protected'], width = bar_width, label = 'Not Protected', color = '#4682B4') + bar_width, category_counts['Protected'], width = bar_width, label = 'Protected', color = '#DC143C')
plt.title('Protected vs. Unprotected Counts by Species')
plt.xticks(category_counts.index + bar_width / 2, category_counts['Category'].astype(str))
Its starting to seem like there is an argument in favor of common protection regardless of species, but the number of birds stands out due to its larger representation in the dataset. This is an excellent opportunity to run a Chi-squared test to verify a connection between the Category and Protected variables.
from scipy.stats import chi2_contingency
contingency_table = pd.crosstab(unique_status['Category'], unique_status['Protected'])
Protected | False | True |
Category | ||
Amphibian | 117 | 7 |
Bird | 495 | 252 |
Fish | 209 | 22 |
Mammal | 237 | 39 |
Reptile | 162 | 17 |
chi2, pval, dof, expected = chi2_contingency(contingency_table)
print("Chi-square statistic: ", chi2)
print('p-value: ', pval)
Chi-square statistic: 127.87497939202984 p-value: 1.1086552917070772e-26
category1 = 'Mammal'
category2 = 'Amphibian'
mammal_amphibian = unique_status[(unique_status['Category']== category1) | (unique_status['Category']==category2)]
contingency_table1 = pd.crosstab(mammal_amphibian['Category'], mammal_amphibian['Protected'])
chi2, pvalue, dof, expected = chi2_contingency(contingency_table1)
print("Chi-squared test statistic:", chi2)
print("P-value:", pvalue)
Chi-squared test statistic: 5.247851110300351 P-value: 0.021973891604423347
The Chi-squared test comparing the protected percentages of Mammals to Amphibians resulted in a test statistic of 5.25. This corresponds to a p-value of 0.022 and again, leads us to reject the null hypothesis that there is no association between protected status and the categories of mammals and amphibians. We can now say with confidence that statistically there is an association for these two categories and protected status. We can continue this experiment by comparing Mammals to Birds.
category1 = 'Mammal'
category2 = 'Bird'
mammal_bird = unique_status[(unique_status['Category']== category1) | (unique_status['Category']==category2)]
contingency_table2 = pd.crosstab(mammal_bird['Category'], mammal_bird['Protected'])
chi2, pvalue, dof, expected = chi2_contingency(contingency_table2)
print("Chi-squared test statistic:", chi2)
print("P-value:", pvalue)
Protected False True Category Bird 495 252 Mammal 237 39 Chi-squared test statistic: 37.0980365208338 P-value: 1.1233678131046551e-09
The Chi-squared test comparing the protected percentages of Mammals to Birds resulted in a test statistic of 37.10. This corresponds to a p-value of 1.12e-09, still within the parameters of a successful correllation (0.05). Next, let's compare the percentages of protection in Mammals to Fish.
category1 = 'Mammal'
category2 = 'Fish'
mammal_fish = unique_status[(unique_status['Category']== category1) | (unique_status['Category']==category2)]
contingency_table3 = pd.crosstab(mammal_fish['Category'], mammal_fish['Protected'])
# print(contingency_table3)
chi2, pvalue, dof, expected = chi2_contingency(contingency_table3)
print("Chi-squared test statistic:", chi2)
print("P-value:", pvalue)
Chi-squared test statistic: 2.1048706038559013 P-value: 0.146830763509396
The Chi-squared test comparing the protected percentages of Mammals to Fish resulted in a test statistic of 2.10. This corresponds to a p-value of 0.15 which is larger than our threshold of .05, which tell us that we cannot reject the null hypothesis for this particular aspect of the dataset.
Finally, let's compare the percentages of protection in Mammals to Reptiles.
category1 = 'Mammal'
category2 = 'Reptile'
mammal_reptile = unique_status[(unique_status['Category']== category1) | (unique_status['Category']==category2)]
contingency_table4 = pd.crosstab(mammal_reptile['Category'], mammal_reptile['Protected'])
chi2, pvalue, dof, expected = chi2_contingency(contingency_table4)
print("Chi-squared test statistic:", chi2)
print("P-value:", pvalue)
Chi-squared test statistic: 1.7516810801419596 P-value: 0.18566553668410238
The Chi-squared test comparing the protected percentages of Mammals to Reptiles resulted in a test statistic of 1.75. This corresponds to a p-value of 0.19 which is also not significant meaning we cannot reject the null hypothesis (that there again is no association).
When reviewing the results of our statistical tests, we can confidently say that there is no evidence of a consistent bias favoring Mammals over Non-Mammals in terms of their protection status. The review also revealed a potential area for improvement on future data collections, specifically related to fish and reptile populations.
Native species are species that have existed and co-evolved with their native natural ecosystems along with other native species. Non-native species are often referred to as alien or invasive species that have been introduced non-organically by humans or other significant events.
We can start by counting the number of native and non-native species using the information in the Nativeness column.
Native 4138 Non-Native 352 Unknown 193 Name: Nativeness, dtype: int64 Native 0.883622 Non-Native 0.075165 Unknown 0.041213 Name: Nativeness, dtype: float64
nativeness_counts = species['Nativeness'].value_counts(normalize=True), nativeness_counts.values, color = '#4682B4')
nativeness_counts * 100
Native 88.362161 Non-Native 7.516549 Unknown 4.121290 Name: Nativeness, dtype: float64
We can see that a majority of our species (88%) are native to their environment. Let's count the number of Protected and Not Protected species for Native and Non-Native species. We'll also calculate the percentages of protection for each group.
nativeness_protected_counts = species.pivot_table(columns = 'Protected',
index = 'Nativeness',
values = 'Scientific Name',
aggfunc = 'count')
nativeness_protected_counts.columns = ['Not Protected', 'Protected']
nativeness_protected_counts = nativeness_protected_counts.reset_index()
nativeness_protected_counts['Percent Protected'] = nativeness_protected_counts['Protected'] / \
(nativeness_protected_counts['Protected'] + \
nativeness_protected_counts['Not Protected']) * 100
Nativeness | Not Protected | Protected | Percent Protected | |
0 | Native | 2875 | 1263 | 30.521991 |
1 | Non-Native | 290 | 62 | 17.613636 |
2 | Unknown | 144 | 49 | 25.388601 |
There is a much higher number of Native species than Non-Native species in our dataset (4138 vs. 352) and that Native species also have a much higher rate of being protected (30.52% vs. 17.61%).
This is to be expected, but let's run a Chi-squared test to see if this difference is significant.
category1 = 'Native'
category2 = 'Non-Native'
nativeness_protected_table = species[(species['Nativeness'] == category1) | (species['Nativeness'] == category2)]
contingency_table5 = pd.crosstab(nativeness_protected_table['Nativeness'], nativeness_protected_table['Protected'])
chi2, pvalue, dof, expected = chi2_contingency(contingency_table5)
print("Chi-squared test statistic:", chi2)
print("P-value:", pvalue)
Protected False True Nativeness Native 2875 1263 Non-Native 290 62 Chi-squared test statistic: 25.368695667308685 P-value: 4.735405787894386e-07
The Chi-squared test resulted in a test statistic of 25.37 corresponding to a p-value of 4.74e-07 (0.0000005, clearly below the expected 0.05). This leads us to reject the null hypothesis. This indicates that there is a statistical association between Nativeness and Protected status.
These results suggest that there does seem to be some bias favoring the protection of native species over non-native species. This makes sense because native species are often more adapted and co-evolved with their local ecosystems while non-native species are often seen as invasive that compete with the native species. Oftentimes, non-native species need to be controlled or else the natural equilibrium of the local ecosystem might be jeopardized.
Generally, we think of threatened species as being rarely encountered. But let's see if there are any species that are abundant (typically seen daily) but are also classified as being threatened or endangered. By investigating this possible phenomenon, we might be able to shed light on overlooked species and their conservation needs for protection.
Let's first count the number of protected and unprotected species by their Abundance categorization (Abundant, Common, Occasional, Rare, Uncommon, Unknown). We won't use unique counts / aggregation of abundance categories, since species may vary in abundance across parks.
abundance_counts = species.pivot_table(columns = 'Protected',
index = 'Abundance',
values = 'Scientific Name',
aggfunc = 'count')
abundance_counts.columns = ['Not Protected', 'Protected']
abundance_counts = abundance_counts.reset_index()
abundance_counts['Percent Protected'] = abundance_counts['Protected'] / \
(abundance_counts['Protected'] + abundance_counts['Not Protected']) * 100
Abundance | Not Protected | Protected | Percent Protected | |
0 | Abundant | 173 | 37 | 17.619048 |
1 | Common | 973 | 306 | 23.924941 |
2 | Occasional | 319 | 189 | 37.204724 |
3 | Rare | 421 | 238 | 36.115326 |
4 | Uncommon | 648 | 276 | 29.870130 |
5 | Unknown | 244 | 72 | 22.784810 |
As expected, we see that the percentage of protection of Abundant and Common species are the lowest (17.62% and 23.92%), and the highest in Occasional and Rare species (37.20% and 36.12%).
Within these protected and abundant species, let's see if any of the species are also threatened or endangered.
abundant = species['Abundance'] == 'Abundant'
protected = (species['Conservation Status'] == 'Threatened') | (species['Conservation Status'] == 'Endangered')
protected_abundant_species = species[abundant & protected]
Scientific Name | Common Names | Category | Park Name | Nativeness | Abundance | Conservation Status | Protected | |
44082 | Oncorhynchus Mykiss | Rainbow Trout | Fish | Yellowstone National Park | Non-Native | Abundant | Threatened | True |
Interestingly, we find that Rainbow Trout in Yellowstone National Park are both Abundant and Threatened.
Further research reveals that this species was introduced into Yellowstone for sport fishing purposes, and conservation efforts are underway to maintain this population along side other trout species. (
By recognizing this paradox, we can better understand the complexities surrounding the conservation needs of Threatened or Endangered species to develop more effective conservation strategies in the future.